GS, 455 and Stage1 Emblem Locations
by Dave Knutsen
Here is the completed installation.
These are the two different versions of the same Stage1 emblem.
The lower emblem is an original 70 - 72 Stage 1 emblem, the
upper one is for the 73 & 74 cars. You can see the differences in the
peg location. You can also see the locating pin location is different, Its
larger on the early version and placed in line with the two pegs more in
the center of the emblem. Whereas the later version locating pin is on the
lower edge of the emblem.

The measurements for the Stage 1 emblem on the fender are:
Measuring from the edge of the "1" to the edge of the fender aft,
is 4 7/8". Measuring from the center of the horizontal line that bisects
the wheel opening to the bottom edge of the emblem is 3/4". The 70
- 72 emblems have the wide spaced pegs while the 73 & 74 emblems have
the narrower spaced pegs (as shown above). The appearance is exactly the
same for all 4 years however. The ones that are available from the vendors
are usually the later versions, 1973-4.
Locating GS Emblems on Fenders and Trunk
by George Nenadovich
Here are some templates I made of the GS emblems and Stage1
emblem. I used paperboard (found as the backer behind a paper pad) to make
a template for each emblem. This way you can lay out the templates on the
fender and trunk lid and use a center punch to locate the drill holes.
For the trunk lid, the GS emblem is 1.5" from the bottom
edge. The center of the GS is 4" from the right edge. I use 3/4"
masking tape to make a straight line so the upper edge of the masking tape
is 1.5" from the bottom of the trunk lip. You can see the center mark
for the template. Measure the 4" and make a mark on the tape. Line
up the two marks and mark the holes with a center punch.
For the fenders, lay 3/4" tape so the bottom edge rests
on the body line that runs from the wheel opening to the door. Now you can
rest the Stage1 template on the tape upper edge. If you measure the width
of STAGE you will find it is 5" long.(5" is the width of the STAGE
and not of the entire emblem which is 6 1/8" wide.) So, measure from
the left side of the template 2.5" and this will be the middle of STAGE.
It is hard to see in the pic but I have marked a pencil line noting the
center mark. Measure from the fender edge (closest to the door) 8.5"
forward and make a mark on the tape indicated by arrows above. Now, line
up the mark on the tape with the pencil mark on the template. Use a punch
to mark the holes in the template. Lay another piece of 3/4" masking
tape above the Stage1 template that will be parallel to the previous tape.
The GS emblem will be centered above the STAGE. Once again, I measured the
GS emblem template and noted the center with a pencil mark. Line the template
center line with the one from the lower tape, 8.5" and mark the holes.
Repeat the same process for the other fender.
For the Stage1 holes, the outer two are 1/4" and middle
locating hole is 3/16.
For the GS emblem, use a 3/16" drill bit.
I like to use a counter sink bit in a tap handle to chamfer
the holes for the emblems. This promotes better paint adhesion and also
prevent the paint from chipping/cracking if the edges were left sharp.
When I install the emblems, I like to use some window butyl
seal to seal the holes so water does not rust the hole edges. You can also
paint the newly drilled holes. For the trunk emblem, you can not get nuts
on the emblem pins so the butyl not only seals out water but also adheres
the emblem to the trunk lid.
Here are the complete emblem installations:
With the 455 emblem, you can see it is center below the GS
emblem. This is an original fender from a 70 GS455. The distance
between the bottom of the GS emblem and the top of the 455 emblem is 1/2"
The bottom of the 455 emblem is 3/4" above the fender
mid-line, just like the Stage1 emblem.
Locating GS Emblems on Door Panels
by George Nenadovich
Here is a 70 GS with the long armrest bases. Notice GS emblem
is centered above armrest.
Using a scriber as pictured can easily punch/make
two holes in the door
panel for the emblems. Do not make the holes too large. With
a snug fit, the emblems will stay in place without any nuts/retainers on
the pins.
GS emblem is 16 inches as measured from the rear of the door
Center of GS emblem is approximately 1.75 inches from the
bottom horizontal vinyl strip.